Wednesday, January 28, 2009


So clearly I went to Portugal like two months ago and if this is the only way you've been in contact with me (hopefully not, Dios no lo quiera), then I probably seemed dead. For that, I'm sorry (if you thought I was dead). I'm not. Yay! I've just been busy and lazy. Well, mostly lazy. It's not like I haven't been writing though since I still write in my journal everyday (and I try drawing every once in a while too!). 

What have I done since my last entry? Let's make a list:

  • Lisbon, Portugal
  • "Graduated" from my first semester of school in Alcalá
  • Watched all but three of my friends from autumn return to the United States (tear)
  • Mother came to visit, we headed to Bilbao for a weekend, then spent the rest of the time in Madrid
  • Father and cousin came, we went to Barcelona, Zaragoza, Vitoria-Gasteiz, and Madrid
  • I moved into the residencias (dorms, more or less), the new group of students arrived, and we started school
  • Since then I've been doing work and living the Spanish life
  • Constantly feel ashamed I haven't been keeping this updated
So that's that. I will try to get an update of some decent length up later this week. I won't promise 'cuz I don't entirely trust myself. Until then, enjoy these awesome new photos I just put on Flickr from my travels. There's the Portugal ones, plus about 300 ones from winter break. 
